With his line of credit assured, he began to focus once again on his publishing business. During the 1790s, Carey had successfully published America’s first best-selling novel,
Charlotte Temple, A Tale of Truth, by Susanna Rowson. In addition to the two editions he published in 1794, with possibly a third edition, he continued to issue new editions throughout the first decade of the nineteenth century until 1812.
[1] Rowson was English, but her novel was popular in America. Carey profited handsomely from it. Encouraged by his access to a line of credit, he looked for an even greater source of profitability, the all-time best-seller, the Bible.
Susanna Rowson (1762-1824) wrote America’s first best-selling novel. Carey published it, and profited handsomely from it.
CAREY THE NATIONALIST | Carey Began To Dominate the National Market for Bibles
[1] See William Clarkin, Mathew Carey: A Bibliography of His Publications1785-1824 (New York: Garland Publishing Inc. 1984) for the years 1794 to 1812.